Monday, March 7, 2011

Hoe Speel Je Tech Deck Live


is now set Extremadura Cup Mountain Races increases this year in seven tests in Extremadura , with news of the inclusion of two new tests that open and close Cup Jerte (Gorge of Hell) and Casas del Monte respectively. The boom mountain races in Extremadura is a fact spend five to seven events this year and participants increase last year in all tests conducted .

The testing schedule for this year is as follows:
I V 06/05/2011 9:00
04/16/2011 17:00 Mountain Race "Throat of Hell" (Jerte)
28/05/2011 18:30 Mountain Half Marathon by "Head-Tentudía Cow (Cow Head)
IV Carrera Mountain Pencona for "Villa de Aldeanueva" (Aldeanueva de la Vera)
17/09/2011 10:00 III Race against the clock Asperilla (Houses of Castañar)
02/10/2011 9:00 IV Marathon, Half Marathon and I III Cross and Mountain "Craftsmen's Village" (Torrejoncillo)
06/11/2011 12:00 V Subida al Castillo de Portezuelo
11/27/2011 11:00 II Mountain Race "Up to Campanula (Casas del Monte)

also note that tests Jerte and Head of Judex cow testing will host the Mountain Races (categories juvenile, infant, cadet and youth) after the meeting in Portezuelo on 7 November. To enroll your children, you have to do through JUDEXS platform. Tell you that for every 3 children desplacéis, I will cover the mileage, so if you senior broker, you can benefit from this advantage and does not cost you a hard shift these 2 tests.

soon will have phone summary of all tests with prices, mileage, slopes, utilities, etc. on the web

Outside the Carrera Cup will Solidaria "Give A Forest" that be held on June 19 in Vegas de Coria (Nuñomoral HURDES).

federate will advance that this year will have many advantages, as will a federal discount on participation fees of $ 5 compared to non-federal in all Cup races , assistance and support to the Championship of Spain, apart from the following benefits:

License Federal Benefits:

  • FEDME Advantages
  • sports accident insurance.
  • Cris-Mar Sport de Plasencia takes a 10% discount to all provinces of the FExME. Different
  • Intersport discount Mostazo in Caceres.
  • Access to activities and competitions of the Federation of Extremadura, other Regional Federations, the FEDME, and some of the UIAA. Access to courses organized by the Mountain High School Extremeña and the other armed forces, and FEDME.
  • Special rates:
    - Train Nuria zipper
    - Funicular de Montserrat

    - Fuente Dé cable car
    - Nuria
    Gondola - Cable Car Estany
  • will enjoy special rates the 42 mountain huts in Spain in partnership with FEDME (English Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing), located in major mountain ranges, with a total of 2,118 seats.
    Special rates abroad shelters for the UIAA member associations attached to the agreement of reciprocity:
    - Switzerland (CAS) - Club Alpin Suisse (Click here)
    - Germany (DAV) - Deustcher Alpenverein (Click here)
    - Austria: (OeAV) - Oesterreichischer Alpenverein (Click here)
    - France: (CAF) - Club Alpin Français (Click here)
    - Italy: (CAI) - Club Alpino Italiano (Click here)
    - Italy: (AVS) - Südtirol Alpenverein (Click here)
    - Slovenia (PCS) - Planinska Zveza Slovenije (Click here)
    - Netherlands (NKBV) Niederlandse Klim-en Vereniging Bergsport (Click here)
    - Belgium: (BAC) - Belgische Alpen Club (Click here)
    - Belgium: (CAB) - Club Alpin Belge (Click here)
    - Luxembourg: (GAL) - Groupe Alpin Luxembourgeois (Click here)
    - Liechtenstein (LAV) - Liechtensteiner Alpenverein (Click here)
  • Special rates campsites the Portuguese Federation of Camping .
  • allows access to climbing walls Extremadura and some public facilities in the rest of Spain.
  • Young athletes can access Equipment Modernization Climbing and Mountaineering . Also you can participate in activities organized by the GAME (English High Mountain Group). Access
  • sports grants and awards for high performance activities merit in competition and / or climbing through the General Directorate of Sports and FEDME.
  • You can enjoy special prices on exclusive promotions to Federated. Like the special subscription rates in the journals of the Editorial Vertical (more info) , the online magazine Outdoor (More info) or digital magazine Walking and more promotions for which you informed.

Finally, tell you that this year has significantly changed the rules, especially affecting the categories of the Cup, with details of career and their development. Especially important is the detail that ALL ENTRIES FOR CUP TESTS ARE CONDUCTED THROUGH FEXME. I leave the link, but you have it uploaded to the website: REGULATION 2011



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