Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beach Vacation Music Playlist

Starting Tuesday February 3, 2009 classes begin in the Ham-Do Club Pinamar Jonhatan given by Professor White on Tuesday and Thursday at 18 pm. The address is Av
Nogueira esq. Pinamar Calle 3 Sur - Canelones - Uruguay.
As a teacher I want to thank everyone who supported me directly or indirectly, thanks to all colleagues, family and friends who help me unconditionally and went ahead with a proposal for a different job, open a martial art, an art martial without borders ...
All THANKS!! White Jonhatan

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Converse Fur Stuffing

Uruguay, a country of interest

Monday, February 2, 2009

Free Dunk Tank Clip Art

Uruguay regulation

will begin the event at the stipulated time without exception.
be awarded the top three in each category. The disqualification of the competitor will lose critical instances all rights to the award.
Each competitor will receive a ticket that will enable you to compete. In case of loss thereof will not be eligible and must pay back the recording to do so.
are required to use protection (Head-Gloves-Shoes-Inguinal and Oral) (bib for women), otherwise not entitled to participate in combat.
Championship organizer reserves the right to modify the necessary categories.
Under no circumstances refund the entry of competitors registered.
category will be called three times, the competitor may not be present or presented without the complete uniform and / or without the protections concerned will be disqualified.
is the responsibility of each competitor, coach, or caregiver, knowledge and understanding of the rules of competition.

BASIC RULES OF COMBAT: 1 round of 2 minutes (young and older) - 1 ½ minutes (children). Techniques score: 2 points (kicking) - 1 point (punches). CONTACT: Light surface. Contact excess disqualification. DEPARTURES: It is considered to have two feet outside the area.

BASIC RULES OF FORM: Kyu Fiction category A (Form restarts) Kyu B and black belts (automatically disqualified.)


INDIVIDUALLY: (Chinese, Korean and Japanese)

Children: Up to 7 years
A-Kyu Kyu B
8 and 9 A-Kyu Kyu B
10 and 11 A-Kyu Kyu B
12 and 13 A-Kyu Kyu B
Children: black belts up to 13 years (unified)
Youth: 14 to 17 years A-Kyu Kyu B and
Black Belts Adults: 18 to 35 years A-Kyu Kyu B and Black Belts
CHILDREN (male). Up to 13 years: Kyu A and B.
Up to 23 kg / 23.100 to 27 kg / 27.100 to 32 kg / 32.100 to 37 kg / kg
37.100-43 43.100 kg onwards.
CHILDREN (female). Up to 13 years: Kyu A and B.
Up to 23 kg / 23.100 to 27 kg / 27.100 to 32 kg / 32.100 to 37 kg / kg
37.100-43 43.100 kg onwards.
JUVENILES (male). 14 to 17 years - Kyu A and B - Black ribbons.
Up to 52 kg / 52.100 to 57 kg / 57.100 to 62 kg / 62.100 to 67 kg / kg
67.100 to 73 73.100 to 78 kg 78.100 kg onwards.
JUVENILES (female). 14 to 17 years - Kyu A and B - Black ribbons.
Up to 48 kg / 48.100 to 53 kg / 53.100 to 58 kg / 58.100 to 63 kg / 63.100 kg onwards. ADULT
(man). 18 years and more - Kyu A and B - Dan.
Up to 63 kg / 63.100 to 68 kg / 68.100 to 73 kg / 73.100 to 78 kg / 78.100 to 83 kg / 83 100 kg onwards
adults (women). 18 years and more - Kyu A and B - Dan
Up to 48 kg / 48.100 to 53 kg / 53.100 to 58 kg / 58.100 to 63 kg / 63.100 kg in

NOTE: Belts Black Children (a form category.)